If you want to cancel an svn add
operation, do not use svn delete or svn remove, according to this post. You can issue the following command to undo a svn add
svn revert --recursive your_folder
This tip was very useful for me today :-)
If you want to cancel an svn add
operation, do not use svn delete or svn remove, according to this post. You can issue the following command to undo a svn add
svn revert --recursive your_folder
This tip was very useful for me today :-)
Tags: add, revert, subversion, svn
I was wondering how to checkout only one folder/file from SVN when I found this interesting tip. The command I issued to do it is the following:
svn co <url_of_big_dir> <target> –depth empty
The above command checkout only one versioned directory, with its content empty. Now it’s possible to add other files and directories under the directory who was checked out.
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