Posts Tagged web2.0

Twitter Ecosystem Tools

I’m very impressed of how many applications are being built on top of Twitter. This simple communication tool bas became so popular that people use it to expand their business relationships, promote themselves, discover new friends, talk about stuff they like, et cetera..

Here are some tools (maybe mashups?) which use Twitter:

Here you can find other 100 Twitter Tools

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About CSS2 Selectors

Some days ago I was trying to customize my blog’s look and feel to remove my pic from each one of my entries.
At my blog’s theme, every <img> tag (which contains my pic for each entry) is the first child of a <td> tag.
I discovered a very handy CSS2 selector syntax to accomplish this task:

E:first-child: Matches element E when E is the firstchild of its parent (The :first-child pseudo-class)

So, the custom CSS ended up being td > img:first-child {display: none;}, which removes my user pic from every post, but keep the one on the left sidebar.

Just now you are seeing only one pic of mine 🙂

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Google announces Android

Google ended up the mystery and announced a mobile free development platform, called Android and not a GPhone, as someone would expect. This platform leverages the capacity of building rich mobile applications and service, promoting rich content for the consumer. It includes an operating system, user-interface and applications, letting developers build new mobile services equally, in a meaningful way. As Google says,

“We see Android as an important part of our strategy of furtheringGoogle’s goal of providing access to information to users wherever theyare. We recognize that many among the multitude of mobile usersaround the world do not and may never have an Android-based phone. Ourgoals must be independent of device or even platform. For this reason,Android will complement, but not replace, our longstanding mobilestrategy of developing useful and compelling mobile services anddriving adoption of these products through partnerships with handsetmanufacturers and mobile operators around the world.”

Dear readers, would it be the Web2.0 mobile revolution?

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Web 2.0 ‘neglecting good design’

Here is an interesting interview with the usability guru Jakob Nielsen which he says web firms are so emphasized in the hype of Web 2.0 as the “latest fashion” and at the same time the basic principles of webpages usability are always being forgotten. He claims about companies have to focus first in making good practices available like “making a site easy to use, good search tools, the use of text free of jargon, usability testing and a consideration of design even before the first line of code is written”. Also, Mr Jakob Nielsen says, as a interesting note, “The idea of community, user generated content and more dynamic web pages are not inherently bad in the same way, they should be secondary to the primary things sites should get right.”

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